The Basics
Load your contact list in the List Manager
- You can always have up to the amount of active contacts you subscribed to
- If someone unsubscribes, you CAN replace them with a new contact
The foundation of great marketing is a clean, up-to-date record of your contacts, also known as your list. When you create a DASH account, one of the first things you should do is upload your contact list. You can edit the default information for your list if you need to, or immediately start adding contacts.
DASH was designed so you should only need one list. We have a number of helpful list management tools so you can organize and separate contacts. If you do decide to create another list, keep in mind that data isn’t shared across lists, however contacts who are in more than one list will not count separately toward your contact limit.
- Hover over the Email icon & click Manage Lists.
- Click upload list and load your contact list spreadsheet. Tell us what fields exist in the spreadsheet (email, first name, address, etc).
- Once the list is loaded you will be able to make edits to individual contacts.
For in-depth instructions, read the article How List Management Works.